Unit 6
Community Impact of Agriculture
Food can bring people together. Local and regenerative food systems foster equitable and resilient communities where everyone can thrive.
Human Health
In its purest form, from the inside and out, food is energy, beauty, and life.
The Power of the Plate: The Case for Regenerative Organic Agriculture in Improving Human Health
“This white paper offers a holistic analysis of the rise of industrial agriculture, the connection to our poor diets and nutrition, and solutions to move towards regenerative healthcare.”
Source: Rodale Institute (pdf)
Soil Health Means Better Human Health
“New Research suggests soil health may have a surprising influence on your food.”
Source: Successful Farming
The Connection Between Soil Microbiomes and Gut Microbiomes
Ongoing research “indicates that the health of all life on this planet — including our own — is predicated on communities of minuscule microorganisms, working in tandem, that proliferate everywhere around and in us.”
Source: FoodPrint
Community Dynamics
Regenerative agriculture can rebuild consumer trust in the food system.
The HEAL Project
Robin Moore
Growing the Table
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
Power in Food Systems
Food is life, as such, assuring the best food possilbe reaches all lies in the power of the people.
Source: School Lunch for All
More than Filling Empty Bellies: How Food Banks are Evolving to Nourish Community Health
“The charitable food system is vital for food access for vulnerable people in nearly every community in the United States.”
Source: Community Psychology
What is the Farm Bill?
“Our food and farming system confronts new challenges today, but through citizen and stakeholder action for a fair farm bill, we can ensure the vibrancy and productivity of our agriculture, economy, and communities for generations to come.”
Source: National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
School Lunch for All
“School Lunch for All was started to ensure that school meals are provided, free of charge, to every K-12 student in America. We are also calling for an end to the indefensible practice of school lunch debt, and school lunch shaming. We believe that no student should go hungry at school and that no child or family should experience financial strain, public shame, or debt in exchange for those meals.”
Inequalities in Food System
Feeding America
Soul Fire Farm
Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture
Sustainable Harvest International
Racial Inequality in the Food System
“There is a long and vital history of black, indigenous, and people of color-led food justice organizing in the U.S. and around the world. However, narratives of the alternative food movement have largely relegated people of color to marginal, passive roles in the story (hungry, poor, disempowered workers who are ‘disconnected’ from their food).”
Source: Young Farmers’ Coalition